A nice article on the significance of the 'latest Roman burial and the earliest Saxon pot' found at St Martin-in-the-Fields, near Trafalgar Square: Bridging London's lost centuries. If you're in London, go see the skeleton at the Museum of London while it's still on display (until August 8).
And an article from an Australian newspaper on the possibilities of Web 2.0 for business: "Australian companies are starting to twig that Web 2.0 isn't just the latest trend for designing web pages – it can be a vital business tool."
Speaking of Web 2.0 business models, I noticed that Rough Guides have made free audio downloads available for some of their phrasebooks so you can practise with words and phrases recorded by native speakers. The audio files work best when you've got a phrasebook in front of you, so they're probably not losing much business by giving away the audio files; in fact they're probably gaining.